Dynamic Delegation

Published on 5 January 2021 at 16:49

Openminds appreciates that it is not just a company's brand, messaging, and content that impacts a company's well-being. The level of support a company receives from its workforce is critical to the success. The role of the company management, the company's core values and the level of strategic alignment all play a part in determining how quickly a company innovates and embraces change.

Openminds has partnered with Vitality Leadership to identify any pervasive, long-standing employee personal stagnation that may exist, and transform companies from stagnated to vitalised organisations.

Many executives have tasks on their desks that take time but don't require their expertise and wisdom to complete. These tasks take valuable time away from critical strategic activities that require their attention.

Lack of delegation and the resulting lack of strategic capacity are significant reasons why strategic plans frequently fail to deliver expected results. Dynamic delegation is a critical practice that frees up considerable valuable executive time for strategic endeavours when effectively taught and applied. Dynamic delegation enables continual improvement in communication and mentoring of skills between executives and their direct reports. This delegation empowers executives and their teams to work more effectively toward the organisation's strategic goals, and become a thriving organisation.

 Dynamic delegation is a managed process that enables all executive and their teams to learn:

  • How to delegate:
    • How to collaborate with their managers to identify tasks to delegate
    • How to plan the order of tasks to delegate for continual development of new skills and opportunities for the recipients
    • How to prepare a task to delegate
    • How to select a recipient
  • How to communicate the benefits
  • How to mentor a team member until they have the skill and confidence to conduct the task effectively
  • How to track and reward effective delegation initiatives

 Dynamic delegation that unlocks the executive's full potential and unlocks the potential of their team is a core executive and management competency that should be developed in every organisation.

 To learn more about Dynamic Delegation and how your organisation can reach its full potential through effective delegation and increasing focus on strategic issues, leave a comment below and one of our team will get back to you.


#DynamicDelegation #BeABetterLeader #VitalityLeadership

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